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Short Back Sequence
An E-book for an easy lower back sequence, that will help restore an achy and tired back. This sequence is for all levels and can be done anytime of the day, especially before bed.
Protein Foods
A useful E-book detailing all foods that help you hit your protein goals, regardless of your protein preference .. for vegans, vegetarians & carnivores.
Know your Good & Bad Fats
Information about which oils to cook with, which to enjoy in small amounts and which to avoid!
Click here to sign up and receive your free know your oil sheet
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Free Short Videos
Lymphatic Drainage Explained
A short basic explanation of why its important to work our lymphatic system and why I teach my students this specific 6 point lymphatic drainage sequence that takes less than 4min to do and should be done daily.
Face Yoga Programme (a brief extract)
A short snippet of my 8 week face yoga programme that you can purchase on my website shop.
Clare Henman
Caroline Smith
A Hall
Rachel Masser
Annie M
Emily W
Elizabeth Bond
Catherine Allen
I went to Zena initially because I was suffering from lower back pain. Within a few months I saw a massive improvement!