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Chi Running & Oxygen Advantage Breathing Retreat

A unique workshops to improve physical health and sports performance through breath and functional movement

Open to anyone looking to improve their health, fitness and achieve a sense of enjoyment and fluidity in movement regardless of age, fitness level, skill set or training regime. From beginner runners to ultra marathoners, those who have never exercised to fitness buffs.

Saturday 30th March 2019
The Oxygen Advantage will address dysfunction breathing patterns to improve breathing in everyday life. Start with this and improve your physical fitness and sports performance.

  • The science behind breathing
  • Tests to detect any breathing pattern disorders such as chronic hyperventilation
  • Practical functional movement exercises to improve breathing
  • Breath-hold exercises to encourage your body to tolerate build up of CO2 and thus reduce breathlessness during exercise, improve aerobic threshold and VO2 max
  • Tips for better sleep and reduced stress
  • The science behind meditation
  • Build the Foundations of Good Running uses the Chi Running technique to improve running efficiency, reduce risk of injury and bring enjoyment back to your running. Chi Running is based on age-old movement principles of Tai Chi, focusing on movement from the body’s centre of gravity.

You’ll learn:

  • The importance of body awareness
  • How to improve posture
  • Key breathing focuses to make running and walking less effort
  • How to speed up by relaxing
  • The importance of rhythm
  • How to use gravity and the force of the oncoming road to help rather than hinder forward momentum
  • How to incorporate form focuses and visualisation into any training programme
Open post

Posture Day Retreat

Perfect Posture
Jo discusses the true secret to sustainable, healthy posture and gives you the tools to achieve it, effortlessly. She use a combination of techniques: stretches and exercises, relaxation techniques, and hands-on correction to achieve the perfect posture.

There is growing evidence that poor posture can lead to a lifetime of chronic pain, fatigue, and low self-esteem. This workshop will give you practical tools to guide you towards good posture, a habit that will help put you on the path to a pain-free and self-confident life.

Furthermore, as we age it is our posture that can let us down, make us appear older and invisible to others. Come and discover how to stay young, straight and flexible with our expert Jo Kuszmar.

“Teaching good posture is about looking at how and where a person invests their energy, as well as reflecting on where there’s an absence of energy and then helping them correct that,” says Kuszmar, who trained as a nurse and shiatsu practitioner. She developed the deportment techniques seven years ago, when, after a divorce, and approaching the wrong side of 50, she feared she was becoming invisible.

Click on the following link for a Telegraph article about Jo’s work.

Click to listen to Jenni Murray on BBC 4’s  Woman’s Hour talking to Jo about her posture clinic – Are we a nation of slouchers? What good posture can do for you.

Stand-up Paddle Boarding on the Thames

Waves for Change invites you to join us for their annual Thames Stand-Up Paddle Board Challenge. This year they are paddling to break down gender barriers and raise funds to provide more girls safe access to surf therapy.

Taking place on Saturday 23rd June, this will be London’s biggest charity watersport event!

SUPer’s will have the choice of two distances – a 5km paddle adventure open to all (first timers too), or a 35km paddle challenge for those who need testing! Both distances will take in the iconic views of London, both guaranteed to be a lot of fun, and both will go a long way in helping them achieve 50-50 gender representation at W4C.

SUPer’s are strongly encouraged to don superhero fancy dress but not essential. There will be a host of awesome prizes kindly donated by Finisterre and Ticket to Ride, plus the opportunity to win a top of the range SUP board!

If that wasn’t enough, they will also be hosting a post paddle party where friends and family can join you to celebrate.

By being part of this event you will help in power girls across Africa, improving their confidence and self-worth, and instilling the believe they are equal to boys. All they ask is for a donation relevant to the distance you choose and as much fundraising as you can to support your journey.

So Sign-up and join them as they Stand Up for Equality this summer.

They look forward to having you  ‘on-board’!

The W4C TEAM           click to sign up

I will be organising a couple of hours of paddle boarding on the Cherwell before the event. This will be a good practise run! If you are interested email me

Honor (12) and I are signed up to do the 35k – Join us!

Max (my son, 13 years at the time) and I did the 35k distance and it was awesome.

Open post

Tahini Fudge Slices

I love tahini, it reminds me of my childhood...breakfast time to be precise. I mixed it with date syrup and spread it on my toast…so yummy! actaully I still do that now. Try it, it's very good.

Tahini is a paste made from ground sesame seeds and it’s one of the best sources of calcium – it truly is a super food.

These tahini fudge slices are a great way to get extra calcium in your diet, if you don’t like eating a teaspoon from the jar, as I do!

Makes 12-16 slices

Note: I keep mine in the freezer and have them when I fancy since it only takes 2/3 mins until its good to eat.

1/2 cup coconut cream (the block cream not runny stuff in the tin)
1/4 cup tahini
1 tbsp organic honey
1 tbsp maca powder (optional)
1/2 tsp vanilla extract
pinch of pink salt
1 tbsp melted coconut oil

Open post

Raw Chocolate Fudge

If you like soft fudge like chocolate, then you will love this. Only 5 ingredients and super easy to make.

I tend to make a large batch and keep them in the freezer. They take 5 mins to de-frost, so an ideal healthy snack that the whole family will love.

Also, the perfect raw chocolate gift!

Makes 14-16 approx

Note: Cacao paste isn’t the easiest of ingredients to find. I order mine from Amazon. Agave and honey will make it sweeter so add more rice syrup if you like it sweet.

What is cacao paste?
it is pure bitter chocolate and it’s produced by grinding the Cacao Nibs to a smooth, liquid state. Cacao Paste is also known as Cacao Liquor.

250g raw cacao paste
75g raw cacao butter
175g Rice syrup (can use agave or raw honey)
Pinch of pink salt

Open post
Group Yoga Classes in Islip

3 Yogis to host a charity yoga morning

On Saturday, April 28th, Zena Kidd-May , Jo Kuszmar and Nicole Croft will be rolling out their yoga mats and offering 3 very different themed yoga sessions. They’re asking you to offer 75mins of your time to help raise money for charity.

Each teacher will be offering a themed 1hr & 15min session in North Oxford and 100% of the money will go to Parishes for Peace.

You are invited to join us for yoga, herbal tea and our homemade raw energy balls all for a fabulous cause!

Date: Saturday 28th April

Zena 08.30 – 9.45am Grounding & Rooting

Nicole 10.00 – 11.15am Heart Opening

Jo 11.30 – 12.45pm Harnessing the Breathe

Open to all students, but ideally you need to be reasonably fit with no ailments that may affect your practice.

Suggested donation: £15 per session, £20 for 2 sessions and £25 for 3 sessions              £1 for tea and energy balls

To reserve your space please email   your details & session you are keen to attend.

If you can’t join us but would like to support the charity please email with your details. 

Venue: Private arts studio, Park Town, North Oxford. (full address on confirmation of booking)

12 spaces per class so book in advance to reserve your spot!

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Zena jumping for free resources

Menopause and yoga day retreat

Only three known species go through menopause: killer whales, short-finned pilot whales, and humans. Two years ago, scientists suggested whales do this to focus their attention on the survival of their families rather than on birthing more offspring. But now this same team reports there’s another reason: older females enter menopause because their eldest daughters begin having calves, leading to fights over resources or lending a helping hand to help raise their calves. The findings might also apply to humans, some scientists say.

Do you know what is happening during the menopause? Are you concerned about the changes? Worried about the side effects of HRT? Would you like to understand how to prepare yourself before or after the menopause? What is ‘normal’ and when should we seek help from our GP? Book into our day retreat and find out more.

Learn how to boost your energy, improve health, gain ideas on what can help with night sweats and hot flushes, female dryness, mood swings, and aching joints. Is soya good or bad? What about diet, herbs, alternate support and treatments? Should you be exercising and if so what kind of exercise? Come with your questions and concerns.

Numbers are limited to 10 (only 4 spaces left)

  • Wednesday 2nd May 2018
    • 9:15-9.30 tea & raw energy balls
    • 9.30-11.30 Yoga for menopause by Jo Kuszmar
    • 11.30-12.00 Walk (weather permitting)
    • 12.00-13.00 Light lunch
    • 13.00-15.30 Talk & Q&A

    Cost: £60     To secure your place please email or

Open post

Matcha Green Tea & Cacao

I must admit this isn’t my recipe, I came across it a year or so ago and just loved the vibrancy of the green (may favourite colour!). I sadly didn’t make a note of the creator, I send them gratitude 🙏🏻 for this truly scrumptious snack. It’s super healthy, easy to make and of course GF, DF, & refined sugar-free. The chances are that you’ll have most of the ingredients in your pantry.

The only change I made from the original recipe was use rice syrup, which is easier to digest and not as sweet as maple syrup or honey. Feel free to use a different nut and what ever sweetener you have to hand.

I normally double the ingredents and freeze them. They take seconds to defrost so the best snack on the go!

Topping: I’ve used fresh figs & blackberries separately and they both go very well. You don’t have to top it with anything since it’s yummy on its own. I would urge you to be creative and experiment with what you have.

120g raw cacao butter
5/6 tbsp rice syrup (depending on how sweet you want it)
1 tsp vanilla
pinch of pink salt
3 cups of macadamia nuts
1 tsp matcha green tea powder

Open post
Yoga Classes in Oxford

Chi Running & Yoga

About Chi Running: Chi Running borrows the principles of T’ai Chi, to help runners of all ages move more mindfully, efficiently and effectively. Improving performance and reducing risk of injury.

The benefits aren’t just physical. When running is easier, it’s also more fun!

Many Chi Runners have found that this more mindful approach to running has boosted their self confidence, increased their mental focus and helped them stay healthy and active in other areas of their life.

Click on the links for information on the instructors:

• 08:30-09:30 2/5k run with Gray Caws & Rachel Masser
• 10:00-11:15 Yoga for Runners with Zena Kidd-May
• 11.15-12:00 Bring own lunch or enjoy Zena’s free raw energy balls, bananas & teas
• 12:00-13:00 Chi running explained with Gray Caws
• 13:00-14:00 Practise Chi running with Gray Caws

Open post

All about our One Day Retreats!


Our main aim is to create a truly calming and spiritually uplifting retreat, a space for relaxation and self-reflection. I want to give you permission to be quiet and take your practice to a deeper level, fully mindful of your body, mind and spirit and ultimately leave us refreshed and smiling

Each retreat we invite a different wellbeing practitioner to give a talk about their specialist topic or lead a workshop, sharing hands-on advice and take-home tips. From fasting, fermentation, foraging, healthy eating, Kombucha making, raw chocolate making, Japanese tea ceremony, weight loss, menopause and how to run injury free to name but a few.

SILENT LUNCH only on some of the day retreats or on request!
Sometimes the best cure is to find an answer from within. Turn down the volume, quieten the voice and really taste the joy of the food that has been lovingly prepared for you. I want to give you permission to be quiet whilst chewing your food. This allows the taste buds to fully engage and the food to fully digest. It will feel strange to start with, but I promise you, you will come to really appreciate the silence.

Your very own bespoke retreat!

An exclusive day with a select group of friends, family or colleagues. Pick a date, workshop, menu, and invite your favourite people to our beautiful private venue just outside Oxford. A usual day includes yoga/mindfulness, delicious lunch and you can choose a topic that interests you or a hands-on workshop. Flexibility on dates and advance booking is recommended to get the desired workshop. A minimum of 5 students to book a private retreat or more on some of the workshops.

If you would like to purchase a gift voucher, please email We shall personalise your voucher and send it to you ready for you to give.

This is a rough idea of the programme for the day. It can vary a little depending on numbers and the workshop.
09:45 - 10:00 Arrival for tea & introduction
10:00 - 11.30 Yoga session
12:00 - 13:00 Light vegetarian lunch
13:30 - 15:30 Workshop/Talk
15:30 - 16:00 Home time with goodie bag!

Our yoga studio is fully equipped & all our yoga mats are regularly washed after every session. However, do feel free to bring your equipment.
Our yoga sessions are suitable for all levels. However, if you do have a particular ailment i.e. back problem, knee issues, HBP, arthritis etc. that may impact on how you practise please let us know on our health form that will be emailed out when you book.
Prenatal students are welcome after the 2nd trimester and postnatal students are welcome after their 6-week check-up.

Lunch and snacks are homemade, mostly organic, vegetarian, DF (we use goats, sheep and ewe only) and GF. We do use nuts and seeds in our kitchen so do let us know of any allergies/intolerances.

Frittata & salad | Soup & sourdough bread & cheese & salad | Ratatouille & rice & salad
We provide plenty of healthy snacks, tea and coffee during our workshops

COST range
£130 - £150 See below for costs & workshop details.

Number of guests are limited to 8.
Health forms must be filled and returned 3 weeks before the event.
Full payment must be made 3 weeks prior to the event.
We do provide a lunch menu to choose from which will need to be agreed before the event for group bookings only.


Click for current day retreats 


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